Plan Your Visit

Directions & Parking

Photo of person sitting in a model of a car, with another person gesturing to the passenger.

David Shih and Anne Bates in the IRT's 2022 production of The Paper Dreams of Harry Chin. Photo by Zach Rosing.

Downtown Indianapolis is a busy place! To help with your arrival for an IRT performance, the Theatre offers coupons for nearby garages and is near stops on IndyGo routes, including the Red Line.

The Indiana Repertory Theatre is located at

140 W. Washington Street

Indianapolis, IN 46204

Ticket Office: 317.635.5252

Administrative Offices: 317.635.5277

Stay tuned for traffic alerts. For helpful tips on parking and transportation, we recommend visiting VisitIndy and Downtown Indy.


In partnership with Denison Parking, Inc. and Indianapolis Parking, we offer discounted parking at certain garages downtown excluding select times when the garages are in event mode. Simply ask an IRT Ticket Office or House staff member for a validation sticker that you can use to park for up to six hours for a decreased rate ($10). This discounted parking is available at the garages listed below when attending an IRT show. If the garages are in event mode ($30+), IRT discounts don’t always apply.

This is only valid during the IRT’s season from September 18, 2024 – May 11, 2025.

Addresses for Circle Center Mall and Court Street Parking:

Court Street – $10* up to 6 hours

  • Court Street Garage – 110 West Washington Street

Closest parking option
*Note, Court Street Parking is subject to event pricing (pre-pay $30+ at entrance).

Event Pricing Date(s): Saturday, February 8, 12 – 8 PM: Court Street Garage will charge Event Pricing ($30+).

IRT, in partnership with Court Street, will have $10 event pricing available for IRT patrons attending King James and Nina Simone: Four Women.

Directions: Upon entering the garage, let the parking attendant know you are there to see an IRT show, and they will let you in. To pay when you leave the garage, let the attendant know you were at IRT and show your ticket (actual ticket, print at home ticket, or e-ticket on your phone) to receive the $10 price. If there isn’t a parking attendant present, press the help button to notify the parking attendant.

Have questions? Email or call our Ticket Office at 317.635.5252 or


Circle Center Mall – $10 up* to 6 Hours

  • Red Garage – 49 West Maryland Street

*Note, Circle Centre Mall Red Garage is subject to event pricing (pre-pay $30+ at entrance).

Event Pricing Date(s): TBA: select the “Daily (Pay at Exit)” option on the screen upon entering the garage (pick up your voucher from Ticket Office or House Staff).

Discounted parking is first come, first served and garage space availability. There are no refunds after a parking purchase has been made.

Additional Parking Info 

Student Matinee Parking Info



Map of downtown Indy and where to park when coming to the IRT

Valet Parking

The IRT, in partnership with Goldstar Management, LLC, is happy to provide valet parking on the front curb of the Theatre.

  • $25 at the curb for each performance, and valet begins an hour before show time. Accepted forms of payment include cash (preferred), credit card, and cash apps.
  • If it is 30 minutes after the performance and IRT valet is closed, please check in with Goldstar Valet attendants at Tony’s restaurant next door.

If Valet is closed at Tony’s, you will need to contact Goldstar Management, LLC at: 317.429.6781 or

Cars left overnight will be charged a $25 storage fee per night.

Valet for Season Ticket Members

Add on the convenience of valet parking! *At a discounted rate for our Season Ticket Members, you can enjoy the added convenience of saving time and money, even when special event pricing is in effect at downtown garages.

Signature Five Series Package: $100

A Christmas Carol Only: $20

*Save up to $25 by pre-purchasing your package as opposed to paying at the door.

Public Transportation

IndyGo’s Red Line, the city’s rapid bus transit system, connects Broad Ripple and Fountain Square to the heart of downtown and other neighborhoods in Indianapolis. With buses running every 10-20 minutes and a stop directly next to the IRT on Capitol Avenue, the Red Line provides another convenient option for your transportation to the Theatre.

To plan your trip or for more information about the Red Line and other nearby routes, visit or call IndyGo Customer Service at 317.635.3344.