Ticket Policies
Signature Five Season Ticket Holders may exchange tickets at any time before the scheduled performance for any other performance of the same show with no exchange fee. If exchanging into a performance of higher value, you may be required to pay the difference in price. Signature Five Season Ticket Holders also have the Trade-A-Play option, which allows one ticket exchange into any other Signature Five production without any exchange fees or restrictions. If you forget to exchange your tickets until after the performance date has passed, you will be required to pay a $15 late exchange fee. If exchanging into a performance of higher value, you may be required to pay the difference in price.
Build Your Own Season Ticket Holders may exchange tickets at any time prior to your scheduled performance for any other performance. If you forget to exchange your tickets until after the performance date has passed, you will be required to pay a $15 late exchange fee.
Single tickets may be exchanged at any time prior to your scheduled performance for any other performance of the same show for a $6.00 per ticket exchange fee plus the price difference when switching into a performance of higher value.
We encourage you to make ticket exchanges at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled performance so we have time to fill returned seats.
The IRT understands your concerns and will work with you in the event that something prohibits you from coming to the Theatre. If you know you will not be able to make your performance, but do not know when you can reschedule, please call the Ticket Office at 317.635.5252 to release your seats and you may call back at a later date to choose another performance without incurring the late exchange fee.
Theatre Policies
To ensure the safety, security and experience of Indiana Repertory Theatre patrons and performers, we ask that you please take a moment to review our policies:
Permission: You grant the Indiana Repertory Theatre and affiliates the right to be recorded, streamed, filmed, and photographed and to distribute, broadcast, edit, translate, or otherwise disseminate it, without any further approval from you, in whole or in part. Examples of permitted uses include YouTube, IRT’s website, IRT’s social media channels, live streaming, and distributing the presentation on DVDs, mobile phones, films, and other video distribution channels.
Conduct & Liability: The Indiana Repertory Theatre reserves the right to refuse admission to, or remove from the building, any person who fails to comply with IRT policies, including those whose conduct is disorderly, is disrespectful, or interferes with other patrons’ ability to enjoy the performance. By using their ticket for admission, patrons expressly assume all risks associated with attending the event, acknowledge and agree that they may be photographed in public areas of the IRT, and release the IRT and its agents from any liability resulting from the use of such photographs.
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices are welcome at the IRT, but not during performances. We love it when patrons share their experience on social media using @IRTLIVE or #IRTLIVE. We encourage the use of electronic devices before and after each performance as well as during intermission. Prior to the start of the performance, photography of the stage set without actors and with proper credit is permitted. Before the play begins, we ask that all cell phones and electronic devices be turned off or set to silent as this minimizes distractions to the actors and other patrons. And, as a reminder, due to union agreements, photography, video, and audio recording are not permitted during the performance. The videotaping of productions is a violation of United States Copyright Law and an actionable Federal Offense.
Late Seating is at the discretion of House Management and may not be possible for some performances. If you arrive late, house staff will seat you at the earliest appropriate time during the performance. Out of respect for the performers on stage and the other audience members, you will be asked to watch the performance from the lobby monitor until the next possible seating break. In some cases, you may not take your ticketed seat until after intermission, as seating latecomers strategically involves using the back or side sections. Please plan accordingly. If you need to leave during the performance, please be mindful of the other audience members. When you return, you will be asked to wait until house staff can seat you during the next appropriate break.
Lost & Found items are securely kept with House Management. Items will be held for a month after the production closes. Personal items such as wallets, ID cards, credit cards, and keys will immediately be turned in to the Administrative Assistant, Ariana Fisher, who can be reached at 317.916.4812 or afisher@irtlive.com.
For access to lost and found items during evenings and weekends, please contact Director of Marketing & Sales, Danielle M. Dove, at ddove@irtlive.com.
Children at the IRT
Due to content and length, OneAmerica Mainstage and Upperstage productions are not suitable for children under 4 years of age and it is the IRT’s policy that children under 4 are not permitted in these Theatres. We encourage patrons to consider the age recommendations we make for each show when considering what ages to bring. For the comfort and enjoyment of the audience, IRT staff will, at their discretion, ask a patron to remove their child from the Theatre if the child is creating a disturbance. Every person attending OneAmerica Mainstage and Upperstage productions must be ticketed, regardless of age.
Weapons Policy on IRT Premises
All guns, weapons or knives of any type, concealed or unconcealed, are prohibited on IRT premises. Anyone who fails to comply with this policy will not be allowed on the property or will be asked to immediately leave the premises.